E-cigarettes help prevent forest fires
Each year, wildfires worldwide cause several billion dollars in damage. In addition, according to analysts, huge amounts of money are allocated from the budget to provide the services involved in fighting forest fires.
Of course, something has to be done about it. Statistics show that 90% of forest fires are caused by humans. And a discarded unextinguished cigarette is one of the most common causes of fire. The authorities have tried to ban smoking in parks and public places. In some places, the law is even enforced. But sometimes the situation reaches the point of absurdity. More and more often, e-cigarettes are mistakenly banned as well.
What’s the logic behind that? If the government and park authorities want to prevent fires in this way, they should think twice. Unlike regular cigarettes, e-cigarettes produce no smoke or ash and no smoldering butts. Accordingly, they cannot cause a fire. The vapor emitted by an electronic cigarette dissolves fairly quickly without damaging everything around it.
In fact, e-cigarettes, in terms of fire hazards, are not worse than other consumer electronics, such as cell phones. Can you imagine trying to set fire to a forest with your cell phone? E-cigarettes are modern, sophisticated, technically sophisticated devices, the production of which is connected with some kind of certification. This certification is one of the guarantees of the device’s safety. The park administration might as well prohibit the use of smartphones on their property.
A 2014 study in Massachusetts, USA, found that the number of residential fires dropped by almost 30%. The impetus for this progress was a law banning the sale of regular cigarettes in the state. Only electronic cigarettes were allowed to be sold. Even though we’re talking about house fires here, not wildfires, but the situation shows just how effective it is to support fire-safe products. And for those who are already addicted to smoking, e-cigarettes are a safe alternative in every sense!
People are tired of ignorance and incompetence of officials and executors, who do not want to look facts in the eye. And the facts are all there! E-cigarettes do not threaten fire safety, wherever it was: either in parks, or at home, at cafes and restaurants. The main thing is not to forget about common sense.