Review of El Thunder 21700 OG

Review of El Thunder 21700 OG

No matter what skeptics say about mechanical mods being a thing of the past, they have been and remain one of the most popular devices. Naturally, only experienced vapers who know exactly what conductivity is and can practically apply Ohm’s Law should use a mechmod. Despite the fact that the number of box mods is rapidly growing, mechs do not give up their positions. One of the brightest examples is the company Viva La Cloud, which is known to many vapers not only for its information portal, but also for its legendary El Thunder mechmod. Not so long ago, in order to keep up with the times, the company’s specialists released El Thunder 20700, after which the release of El Thunder 21700 OG was quite expected. As it is clear from the name, the peculiarity of this device is the use of 21700/20700/18650 size batteries, which cannot but please. Although there were no fundamental changes in the design, the same collet system and minimal drawdowns.

General information

El Thunder 21700 OG is a mechanical mod designed to work with three battery sizes, with collet contact system and self-cleaning contact group. Visually mechmod is very similar to the previous models, it sits comfortably in the hand and has a decent weight, as it is made of brass L63. An important feature of this mechanical device is that the design of the button has been slightly changed, which has become even more convenient and has a larger contact area. new zealand vape shop It is very convenient that the vaper can use 21700/20700/18650 batteries, and the design of the button provides for the installation of special spacers that provide the tightest contact. El Thunder 21700 OG mechmod can be purchased in six colors: black, silver, gray, red, white and camouflage.


The company Viva La Cloud despite the fact that it specializes in the release of mechmods, always tries to make sure that the vaper gets the maximum package. That’s why in the branded wooden tube with ties you can find:

El Thunder 21700 OG mechmod;

Three battery card adapters;

Two button pins;

A spacer for using 18650 batteries;

User’s Manual.

Appearance and Design

Those vapers who have seen or held the El Thunder 20700 version will immediately recognize the same design in El Thunder 21700 OG. It is worth to say at once that this mechmod is not just a brass tube with a connector, but the result of painstaking work of designers. The upper and lower parts of the mod have a dimeter of 27 mm, but in the central part you can observe a narrowing and three characteristic rings, thanks to which the grip of the device has been improved.

Despite the fact that the upper part of the device has a diameter of 27 mm, it is designed for installation of 24-25 mm diameter drip tips, which look very logical and appropriate here. In order to avoid sticking of the dripper to the body, there is a special groove on the upper area. The connector is hybrid, which allows you to minimize current loss.

The material from which El Thunder 21700 OG is made deserves special attention. It is L63 brass, which has proven itself to be the best, as it has excellent conductivity. The mechmod is coated with a special paint with a 0.15 mm layer, which will not wear off for a long time.

In El Thunder 21700 OG you can use 21700/20700/18650 batteries, and the manufacturer has made sure that the kit includes special card adapters, the use of which prevents the batteries from shaking during use. At the same time, the card adapters serve as an additional insulation for the batteries inside the mechmod.

Button and usage features

If you compare the El Thunder 21700 OG with previous versions, there are changes in the button. It works on the same principle of using a collet system with a self-cleaning system of the contact group. An important advantage is that the contact group is pressed evenly over the entire area, providing a larger contact area and reducing the possibility of micro-circuits.

The design of the button consists of a spring and a spacer, and the spacer can be changed depending on the vaper’s preference regarding the length of the button’s travel. Don’t forget that the spacers allow you to automatically adjust to the length of the batteries used. To use 18650 batteries, the kit includes a magnetized spacer that can be attached directly to the battery.

Conclusions and impressions

El Thunder 21700 OG is another worthy development of Viva La Cloud company, which will definitely find its fans. Due to the versatility of the used batteries and the possibility of using high-capacity batteries, you can get not only more productivity, but also autonomy. But you should use such a mechmod only for experienced vapers who know exactly what they want to get from the device, and not just buy mechs in order to seem fashionable.

Advantages and disadvantages


The button is awkward to disassemble;

The battery packs can dangle if used without card adapters.


Comfortable grip;

Ability to use different sizes of batteries;

Silver-plated spacers;

Low conductivity;

It gives good volume