Review of IJOY Diamond PD270 Kit. First Look
In this article, we will look at a starter kit from IJOY called Diamond PD270 Kit.
In 2017, it is unlikely that there would be a company on the vaping market that produced more devices for 20700 batteries than IJOY. Indeed, this manufacturer has recently pulled ahead in the industry, introducing a huge number of devices that operate on new power elements. Moreover, most of the mods from the above-mentioned company can be called quite successful without a twinge of conscience. Today we will look at another new product from the Chinese from IJOY, called Diamond PD270 Kit.
Appearance of IJOY Diamond PD270 Kit
From a visual point of view, our new product today fully justifies its name, since the designers from IJOY were inspired by diamond processing technology when creating the device. suorin vape It must be said that the box mod itself looks quite interesting.
The entire “kit” is available in a huge number of colors, of which there are as many as 12. Among all this variety, future users will be able to choose something to their liking.
IJOY Diamond PD270 Kit Design
As for the main controls of the box mod, everything here is, one might say, quite standard. The buttons are located in the usual places, and the large OLED display seems to fit into the front panel, giving the device a finished appearance.
IJOY Diamond PD270 Box Mod Connector
IJOY did a very smart job installing the connector on its box mod, placing it strictly in the center. In this form, the device can easily accommodate atomizers with a diameter of up to 33.5 mm, which will be more than enough for most users.
Battery compartment of the IJOY Diamond PD270 box mod
And this device works, as it was difficult to guess, from two 20700 batteries. The manufacturer did not forget to provide its brainchild with support for 18650 batteries, for which a special adapter will be included with the mod. Inside the PD270, a proprietary and well-known board from IJOY is installed, capable of delivering up to 234 watts of power.
Captain X3S Subohm Tank Clearomizer
The complete maintenance-free tank called Captain X3S Subohm Tank has a color palette similar to the box mod and is available, again, in 12 options. The diameter of the device is 25 mm, and the capacity is 4.2 ml.
Captain X3S Subohm Tank Design
In terms of its design, this clearomizer is nothing new or unique, but is merely a logical continuation of the previously released non-serviceable ones from IJOY. The top fill-slider is in place.
Captain X3S Subohm Tank Evaporators
The Captain X3S Subohm Tank’s performance is provided by new evaporators, of which there are 3 types so far. It is worth noting that all the presented replacements are designed for vaping at a fairly high power. So you don’t have to worry about generating clouds.
IJOY Diamond PD270 Kit Specifications:
Output Power: 234W
Dimensions: 92mm*49mm*34.5mm
Battery Formats: 20700/18650
Temperature Control: NI/Ti/SS
TCR Mode
Resistance Range: 0.05Ω~3.0Ω
USB Charging
Firmware Update
Tank Capacity: 4.2ml
Height: 58.6mm
Diameter: 25mm
Top Slider Filling